ACCPA through the #caretech lens
If commitment to improvements within aged care could be measured by the level of attendance at ACCPA in 2022, then there’s much to like about what' is to come in Aged Care.
If commitment to improvements within aged care could be measured by the level of attendance at ACCPA in 2022, then there’s much to like about what' is to come in Aged Care. With our digital technology viewpoint, we like the other 1 700 delegates attended this conference with a view to connect and learn. For us, there were a number of highlights. |
Technology & DataYou could not help by be impressed by the breadth of quality technology offerings on display in the exhibitors hall. All the major care planning software vendors, from HealthMetrics™ to TurnPoint, with all the major communications platforms from Checked in Care to Brenna. Forming part of the digital infrastructure cohort were workforce management tools and suppliers from Humanforce to Martian Logic. And eevi was pleased to be a part, connecting in our role as a provider of cloud based monitoring devices and analytics. |
The team you met in Adelaide |
If you connected with us at the conference or missed out and were curious to know more in the space of digital technologies, please feel free to reach out. We’d be happy to discuss how we could support your organisation and welcome an occasion to continue the #caretech discussion. With thanks to ACCPA, we look forward to seeing you again in 2023. |